Comforted After a Hard Day at Work by Your Alpha Werewolf Boyfriend
Mar 2022 Redacted Audio Mar 2022 Redacted Audio

Comforted After a Hard Day at Work by Your Alpha Werewolf Boyfriend

"Angel" returns home from a difficult day at work, but tries to hide their struggles from David. He notices and calls them out on it, but they argue that with everything he's dealing with in the wake of the Inversion disaster, it feels selfish for them to ask for support over what they view as a lesser problem. David disagrees and tells them adamantly that he is there to help them no matter what struggles he's going through as well. Pain isn't a competition, and they are partners that support one another. They comfort one another. "Angel" asks about the state of the Pack. Amanda has announced that she is moving back to South Dakota, where her dad's family lives. She asked Christian to move with her, but he refused, not wanting to leave Dahlia, and they broke up as a result. Brooks has been offered a job and chosen to pursue it instead of working security anymore. Linda is leaving the team as well. Miguel is staying on, but will no longer be doing active work, instead taking over the administrative side of things and staying off the field.

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Helping Your Sweet Werewolf Boyfriend Get Back to Sleep
Mar 2022 Redacted Audio Mar 2022 Redacted Audio

Helping Your Sweet Werewolf Boyfriend Get Back to Sleep

"Baaabe" finds Asher playing familiar video games in the middle of the night. He confesses that he is unable to sleep, struggling with insomnia as a result of his experiences during Inversion. The silence wears away at him. His therapists have tried to remind him that it will take time for things to feel normal again, but he is frustrated at the hold these memories still have on him and the way they impact his life. He doesn't expect it to get better overnight, but it doesn't even seem to be getting marginally better, and he's finding it harder and harder to keep fighting when he can't get even one night of peace so that he can remember what it feels like. "Baaabe" comforts him and helps him finally get to sleep, filling the silence per his request.

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Catching Back Up With Your Elemental Friends
Mar 2022 Redacted Audio Mar 2022 Redacted Audio

Catching Back Up With Your Elemental Friends

The D.A.M.N. friends hang out as a group for the first time since the disaster. Gavin isn't able to attend, having a meeting with his friend Crux to arrange counseling for what he went through, but he calls Huxley to touch base with him and to promise that he will gladly be at the next game night. Damien and Lasko arrive and Damien reveals that something is wrong with Lasko, but he's not sure what, with the Air Elemental actively dodging any questions regarding his new position or the Academy in general. Damien is worried about him. They eventually confront him, and Lasko admits that he has been avoiding talking about anything that he fears could bring back memories of that evening for them, believing that what they went through was much worse than his own struggles that night. His friends all reassure him that that isn't the case, that there is no point in trying to rank their grief, and that they all support one another. The night continues much better after that, the tension relieved.

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Comforted and Cared For by Your Incubus Boyfriend
Mar 2022 Redacted Audio Mar 2022 Redacted Audio

Comforted and Cared For by Your Incubus Boyfriend

Later that night, Gavin returns home and finds "Freelancer" struggling. They break down in his arms, finally letting themself feel the depth of their emotions in regard to the disaster. Gavin comforts and reassures them. He also explains the gravity of what they did by staying with him that night; they literally saved his life, being the only thing that gave him the strength to hold on when the strength of the victims' emotional energy was starting to literally unravel him. He owes them his life.

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Consulting With a Seer
Apr 2022 Redacted Audio Apr 2022 Redacted Audio

Consulting With a Seer

Morgan Kyne, a Seer Obscura, meets with the only other known Seer Obscura in existence, at their request. They had previously hidden their powers from the world, pretending instead to be an Illusory, but in the wake of the Inversion disaster, they have revealed themselves so that they can try to get answers. They want to know how it is possible that they didn't see the Inversion coming, and so weren't able to help prevent it. Morgan explains the limits of Sight, noting that it cannot be used to See things on other planes of existence, including Aria and Death. Sight is not a matter of predestination, but is rather an incredibly advanced form of probability, with Seers able to account for all variables on their plane to determine what is the most likely future. But since they cannot See the variables on other planes, those forces and actions don't factor into their probabilities. The Inversion came from Death, so there was no way to predict it. He offers to aid this new Seer in whatever way he can, if they want his help.

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Guy Graduates
May 2022 Redacted Audio May 2022 Redacted Audio

Guy Graduates

Guy graduates college with a degree in Creative Writing. He continues working at Max's Rustic Pizza while looking for an opportunity to better utilize his degree.

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Your Bakadere Empathy Daemon Friend Visits You
May 2022 Redacted Audio May 2022 Redacted Audio

Your Bakadere Empathy Daemon Friend Visits You

Five months after Inversion, the world has returned to enough of a state of normalcy that Caelum can safely visit "Freelancer" again. He is overjoyed to see that they were able to come back from the tragedy on their own with their support system, and is grateful for that change in their life. He also is grateful for the perspective that the time away has granted him, having learned a lot about his prior lack of a sense of self outside of his charges and his duty to them.

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Helping Your Werewolf Boyfriend Shift Again
May 2022 Redacted Audio May 2022 Redacted Audio

Helping Your Werewolf Boyfriend Shift Again

Five months after he stepped into the Warding magic to disrupt it, Milo still isn't able to shift into his wolf form. The Healers have few answers for him, believing that if the ability returns, it will just be a matter of time. Milo finally breaks down under the strain after a series of failed attempts to shift. "Sweetheart" tries to reassure him, but Milo is inconsolable, feeling that a fundamental part of himself is missing. While he wouldn't change his decision, and firmly believes it was worth it to have saved the lives that he did, he doesn't want the magic to be gone and doesn't know what to do anymore, feeling utterly hopeless and like a stranger in his own body. "Sweetheart" bridges with him, helping him to focus on the sensation of his magic, and it finally works. He shifts, holding it for only a few seconds so as to not overwork his core. He shifts back and collapses into sobs of relief in "Sweetheart"'s arms.

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Getting Ready for Vacation with the Wolf Boys
Jun 2022 Redacted Audio Jun 2022 Redacted Audio

Getting Ready for Vacation with the Wolf Boys

The Pack prepares to leave for the trip. Asher is running late. David pulls Milo aside and asks if the shifting succeeded, and Milo excitedly tells him it did. David reassures him that he's incredibly happy for him, and repeats to him again that even if he wouldn't have been able to, he would still absolutely have been himself, and a valued member of the Pack family. David expresses how frustrated he is that the world can't know how much Milo risked to save everyone. Milo assures him that it doesn't matter, that that's not why he did it, and while David knows that to be the case, he also wants Milo to know that he is one of the bravest men David has ever known. He apologizes for the distance that formed between them when Gabe died and tells him how much he values their friendship. Milo is overwhelmed with emotion and thanks him.

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