Bowling With The Bois
May 2021 Redacted Audio May 2021 Redacted Audio

Bowling With The Bois

"Freelancer" organizes a bowling night with their friends. Gavin and Lasko are reunited for the first time since the 7/11 encounter. Huxley and Lasko are reunited for the first time in years. Damien, Gavin, and Huxley all meet each other for the first time. The gathering goes well, continuing late into the night after they all go to Huxley's apartment to play video games. The group begins the slow process of becoming friends in earnest.

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David Gets Story
May 2021 Redacted Audio May 2021 Redacted Audio

David Gets Story

David's contacts in the Department finally relay the full story of Frederick and his friend's turning, having been slowed greatly in their research efforts by the House of Solaire's drive to maintain secrecy. The mentions of a rogue Vampire and the method of attack remind David of Quinn. He begins digging back into the Quinn case, looking for more information regarding his imprisonment.

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Shaw Pack Makes Bid
May 2021 Redacted Audio May 2021 Redacted Audio

Shaw Pack Makes Bid

D.U.M.P. and D.A.M.N. begin accepting bids for the security contract for the Elemental and Energetic Games scheduled to take place that December. The Shaw Pack puts in for consideration, though the drastic growth of the competition compared to its size when they last worked it leads to some hesitance on David's part to apply.

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Shaw Pack Gets Bid
Jun 2021 Redacted Audio Jun 2021 Redacted Audio

Shaw Pack Gets Bid

The Shaw Pack wins the bid for the 39th annual Elemental and Energetic Games, scheduled for December and hosted by D.A.M.N. Preparations begin.

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Vampire Tends to Your Injuries
Jun 2021 Redacted Audio Jun 2021 Redacted Audio

Vampire Tends to Your Injuries

“Darlin” gets into a fight with two Vampires while hunting Quinn. They survive the encounter, but with serious injuries. Sam lends his aid and insists again that they be more careful.

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Your Bond With a Vampire
Jun 2021 Redacted Audio Jun 2021 Redacted Audio

Your Bond With a Vampire

“Darlin” reaches out to Sam, hoping he might have answers. They admit that they themselves don’t know why they can track Quinn, and that they’re scared of the implications of that. Sam confirms that they must be bloodbound to Quinn, which will allow each side to detect the other’s blood when it’s outside their body. Given this danger, he again pleads with them to be careful.

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David’s Research
Jun 2021 Redacted Audio Jun 2021 Redacted Audio

David’s Research

David's research into Quinn reveals that "Darlin" had lied. Quinn was never apprehended by the Department, it was a ruse so that they could hunt him privately. David renews his efforts to get in contact with "Darlin", who has mostly been ignoring his attempts to communicate ever since they left Dahlia in the wake of the original attack.

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David Makes Contact
Jul 2021 Redacted Audio Jul 2021 Redacted Audio

David Makes Contact

Having been unable to reach "Darlin", David makes contact with their family in Washington. They confirm that while "Darlin" really did return there and recovered, they also left months ago heading back to Dahlia. "Darlin" finally answers David soon afterward, but they lie again, telling him they're still in Washington. He starts putting together the full series of events.

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