The Void They Leave Behind

Gavin's Ward starts to collapse as the terrible strain of the Shade's bombardment and the survivors emotional overload begins to literally tear him apart. "Freelancer" is able to ground him enough to keep him intact, barely, and the Ward holds for the time being. Milo asks Lasko to rally the students and staff of D.A.M.N. to be ready for when the Ward drops. Lasko doesn't think he can, but Milo reassures him, and he agrees. Milo attempts to go alone, but "Sweetheart" insists on joining him. Inside the Ward, the largest wave of Shades yet assaults the Shifter's hideout, pushing the defense team to their absolute limit. Vincent barely saves "Lovely" from an attack, and is flanked as a result. "Lovely" manages to drive them off him, but is caught off guard in the wake of it and is violently drained within an inch of their life. Vincent kills the Shade and tries to heal "Lovely", but it isn't working. Asher is brutally struck down by a Shade and sustains mortal injuries. David runs to him, but the damage is already done. David cries out for Sam, who appears, and begs the Vampire to help heal Asher. Sam does, channeling his own and David's remaining magic to heal Asher, who finally awakens. David breaks down in relief as Vincent calls out for Sam. Lasko uses the intercom at D.A.M.N. to try and rally everyone there to go to the Ward to help. The efforts are successful. Sam arrives to find "Lovely" dying in Vincent's arms, unable to be healed because their lifeforce has been drained. He tells Vincent the only option remaining would be to turn them. Vincent asks if that is what "Lovely" wants, saying that he will spend eternity at their side if they let him, but that he won't turn them unless it's truly what they want. They affirm that it is, and he does.


Right Here


All Along