The Elemental and Energetic Games Begin
Dec 2021_2 Redacted Audio Dec 2021_2 Redacted Audio

The Elemental and Energetic Games Begin

The 39th annual Elemental and Energetic Games officially begin on December 29th, hosted by the Dahlia Academy for Magical Novices. The spectacle is set to run for three days, drawing large crowds to the Academy stadium each day, and live feeds of it are broadcast nationally. Hudson acts as the announcer for the Games and coordinates with David's security team throughout. Lasko takes on a role as volunteer-staff, helping to get the competitors to their performance events on time. The first day of events includes (but is not limited to) the Combination Elemental, Water Elemental, and Air Elemental events. On the first day of the games, "Freelancer" meets with Lasko ahead of their performance. He encourages them, but is drawn away briefly at which point Kody appears and taunts them, attending the Games as a representative for the McKinley Academy. Lasko gets Kody alone and warns him to leave "Freelancer" alone, but Kody rebuffs him. "Freelancer" completes their event, getting eighth place. Damien, Huxley, Lasko, and "Freelancer" celebrate.

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Fire and Earth at the Elemental and Energetic Games
Dec 2021_2 Redacted Audio Dec 2021_2 Redacted Audio

Fire and Earth at the Elemental and Energetic Games

The second day of the Elemental and Energetic Games begins on the 30th and includes the Fire and Earth Elemental events. Lasko and "Freelancer" barely make it inside the reinforcing Ward before the events begin. During performances, a Ward is brought down around the stadium and surrounding grounds to isolate the effects of the performances and maintain covert, maintained by a large contingent of advanced Warders distributed at discrete locations for security's sake. "Freelancer" meets with Huxley and they watch Damien's performance together. Damien performs exceptionally, getting third overall and earning the bronze medal. He brings his friends to meet his mother, who was watching in the crowd. Huxley does his event and easily takes first place, earning the gold and setting a new national record.

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Final Categories of the Elemental and Energetic Games
Dec 2021_2 Redacted Audio Dec 2021_2 Redacted Audio

Final Categories of the Elemental and Energetic Games

The third and final day of the Elemental and Energetic Games begins on the 31st and includes the Contra-Elemental and Energetic categories. Vincent and Sam head to the stadium by Department issued transport and are escorted up to a special viewing box to be safe from the sunlight. The pack continues their security efforts, having worked the event thus far with few issues. One of the D.A.M.N. staff members that was intended to walk the medals into the stadium for the ceremony that evening is unable to attend, so Lasko volunteers to do so. Xavier performs his event and gets first place, setting a new national record. Sam and Vincent watch "Lovely" perform, and they get second place. Sam and Vincent congratulate them heartily.

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Welcome to CloseKnit (Ft. Odiepus Rex)
Dec 2021_2 Redacted Audio Dec 2021_2 Redacted Audio

Welcome to CloseKnit (Ft. Odiepus Rex)

Blake and his friend attend a CloseKnit outreach meeting. CloseKnit's bigoted views are very quickly made apparent, and Blake's friend is unsettled. Unbeknownst to them, Elliott and "Sunshine" are attending the same meeting as part of their investigation.

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Celebrating Your Dom Boss Boyfriend's Promotion
Dec 2021_2 Redacted Audio Dec 2021_2 Redacted Audio

Celebrating Your Dom Boss Boyfriend's Promotion

Aaron finally earns his promotion, becoming the Director of Accounting at Vesta Distribution Co. He attempts to share the news with Elliott, but Elliott doesn't answer. Aaron resolves not to let that bring down his mood, fully unaware of the circumstances that are preventing Elliott from responding.

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Looking For Answers With Your Dreamwalker Boyfriend
Dec 2021_2 Redacted Audio Dec 2021_2 Redacted Audio

Looking For Answers With Your Dreamwalker Boyfriend

Deeply unsettled by the content of the CloseKnit meeting, Elliott and "Sunshine" are led to a back room to discuss particulars about joining. They defy efforts to separate them, and after unproductive questioning, they are momentarily left alone. Elliott and "Sunshine" decide to make a run for it, but are knocked unconscious in their attempt. They awaken in the building's basement with Blake, who tells them that he knows about Brachium and plans to use their connection to him to open communications with the realm of Death. He draws "Sunshine" into a dreamscape.

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Comforted In Your Nightmare By a Deathwalker
Dec 2021_2 Redacted Audio Dec 2021_2 Redacted Audio

Comforted In Your Nightmare By a Deathwalker

Brachium manages to enter the dream as well, and uses his powers to shelter "Sunshine" for as long as he can, but his abilities in the dreamscape are limited. Brachium has realized that he has been misled in his believed purpose, and that his memories of his past have been occluded from him. He vows to defend them in any way he can, but his powers are fading. He uses the last of his strength to reassure "Sunshine" that they can beat Blake, and to draw Elliott into the dream for support. As he reawakens in the river of Death, he hears a deep, rhythmic drumming coming from deep in Death, near the Veil. He wonders if maybe they are too late after all.

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Facing Off Against a Dreamwalker
Dec 2021_2 Redacted Audio Dec 2021_2 Redacted Audio

Facing Off Against a Dreamwalker

"Sunshine" finds Elliott in the dreamscape, but he is still powerless because his core has been muted by Blake. Blake finds them both and is furious. He emotionally torments "Sunshine" with memories of their fatal car accident and tortures Elliott. They concede to his demands so that he will stop. Blake offers to free Elliott if "Sunshine" will help him open a dialogue with Brachium. They agree, against Elliott's wishes.

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Separated From Your Dreamwalker Boyfriend
Dec 2021_2 Redacted Audio Dec 2021_2 Redacted Audio

Separated From Your Dreamwalker Boyfriend

"Sunshine", Blake, and Elliott reemerge in the waking world. Elliott is taken away, and Blake informs "Sunshine" that his memories of them will be removed, but promises that they will be restored if they succeed. "Sunshine" tries to inquire about Blake's motives, and he informs them that all of this is being done to save his friend, who is in mortal danger of some kind. He rebukes further conversation attempts and leaves.

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Your Yandere Friend Wants to Be Closer to You
Dec 2021_2 Redacted Audio Dec 2021_2 Redacted Audio

Your Yandere Friend Wants to Be Closer to You

Blake arrives at his friend's house that evening, and recognizing that they didn't approve of the meeting's contents, he reaffirms that his friendship with them is more important than any affiliation he has with that group. They admit to him that they've been having trouble sleeping, and he helps them get to sleep, spending the night in their home on their couch.

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Dec 2021_2 Redacted Audio Dec 2021_2 Redacted Audio


The Medals Ceremony of the Elemental and Energetic Games is scheduled to start at 7PM. The stadium is the fullest it has been throughout the entire Games. Lasko and Milo begin the process of escorting the medals toward the stadium. Ahead of them, Asher and David guard the MVPs that will be presenting the medals. Gavin and "Freelancer" wait in the crowd at the stadium to watch Huxley and Damien receive their medals. Hudson begins announcing the closing ceremony at David's signal. In their viewing box, Vincent and Sam suddenly start to hear the rhythmic drumming that Brachium had heard earlier, but they don't know the source. In Death, Brachium's greatest fears are realized as the drumming reaches a fever pitch and a force deep in the river speaks, telling him that death has arrived. In the living world, an aperture tears open in the sky above the stadium. Shades, malevolent beings from the realm of death that drain humans of their lifeforce, begin pouring into the stadium through the portal. Chaos erupts. Gavin attempts to get the "Freelancer" to safety. Outside the stadium, Milo, David, Asher, and Lasko watch in horror, unsure of what's happening. David rushes to the control booth to find out the gravity of the situation. The people in the stadium attempt to escape onto the grounds as the shades begin their overwhelming assault on the helpless crowd. Some kind of interference disables long range communication and electronic signals in the Shades' proximity. At David's order, Milo escorts the MVPs to the safety of their van while Asher meets his Alpha in the control booth. David, Asher, and Hudson observe that the attacking force are Shades and try to make a plan before it's too late. Hudson suggests sealing the Ward, which might be able to hold them in place so they can't escape and ravage all of Dahlia and beyond. David is faced with the impossible decision to either reactivate the Ward and contain the outbreak but trap everyone in the stadium and surrounding grounds with them, or do nothing and allow the Shades to escape. He reactivates the Ward. As it prepares to seal, he rushes onto the grounds to defend anyone inside it that he can. Asher follows him in. Milo tries to follow them, but is seconds too late. The ward seals, trapping him outside and the others inside. Brachium realizes hopelessly that he was too late, and that the cause is lost. The river runs both ways tonight, with a floodtide of Shades pouring into the living world and the countless victims being taken by death.

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The River Runs Both Ways Tonight
Dec 2021_2 Redacted Audio Dec 2021_2 Redacted Audio

The River Runs Both Ways Tonight

Gavin realizes the Ward is sealing and manages to rush "Freelancer" to the outer boundary before it seals. He plans to stay and help, but is clearly in some kind of pain. "Freelancer" jumps back in just as the Ward seals, determined to stay with him. Asher and David run toward the stadium, but the interference prevents them from hearing the other Shifters through the link they usually share while shifted unless they stay close. The radios equally struggle to work at anything but short range communication, and phones can't get a signal. They commit to helping as many people as possible to escape the stadium, planning to regroup somewhere more easily defended. Lasko finds Milo and tells him that the Department has arrived. Milo rushes to meet them. Inside the Ward, Damien and Huxley fight to escape the stadium. Their position on the main stage leaves them at the epicenter of the chaos, fighting to find a way out. They are nearly lost to collateral damage in the crowded hallways by those trying to fight back against the Shades, but they manage to get outside only to realize that the Ward has been activated. Vincent is frantic to reach "Lovely". Sam steadies him and helps him use his connection to them to locate them in the chaos. They head that way. Milo meets with Commissioner Jett, who is leading the Department efforts at the disaster. Jett tells him they won't drop the Ward until sufficient demon forces arrive, because with no ability to see what is happening in the Ward, including how many Shades they are facing, he feels they will need their strength in order to stand a chance. Milo is furious and storms away, meeting up with Lasko to update him and try to reassure him.

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Voices Gone Silent
Dec 2021_2 Redacted Audio Dec 2021_2 Redacted Audio

Voices Gone Silent

Gavin is severely affected by the overwhelming emotions from the panicking masses, with it being drastically amplified by the sealing of the Ward turning it into an echo-chamber for the emotional energy. He struggles to use his powers to help others regardless. David and Asher continue to shepherd people out of the stadium, directing them to a position out on the fringes of the Ward where they are trying to set up a defensible position. It becomes clear that the Shades are confused by the wolves when they are in their shifted form, and David and Asher use this to their advantage. Damien and Huxley try to think of ways to repel or defeat the Shades, but have no conclusive results. Shades are intangible until they have absorbed enough lifeforce, at which point they solidify and become vulnerable to physical attacks, but that advantage only comes at a high loss of innocent life. Sam and Vincent find "Lovely" and escape outside, but find the Ward has sealed. Gavin and "Freelancer" reach the stadium and Gavin tries to use his powers to disable the Shades, but the cumulative effects of the emotional bombardment cause him to collapse. Xavier attempts to buy them time while "Freelancer" drags Gavin to relative safety. Xavier dies at the hands of the Shades. "Freelancer"'s fear ignites Gavin's core, and his powers manifest, forming a new defensive Ward within the existing one.

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More Than a Promise
Dec 2021_2 Redacted Audio Dec 2021_2 Redacted Audio

More Than a Promise

Milo confronts Jett about his lack of action, but is turned away again. He decides to take matters into his own hands. David and Asher struggle to establish a defensible area for the survivors they have helped move away from the stadium. The other members of the pack set up similar positions on the far side of the grounds. "Sweetheart", "Angel", and "Baaabe" all arrive at the scene separately. "Angel" runs into Lasko, who offers to take them to Milo. "Sweetheart" finds Milo, and they share a brief moment together before "Angel" and "Baaabe" arrive. Milo explains the situation as best he can, then draws "Sweetheart" aside to inform them of a plan he has come up with. Inside the Ward, many of the Shades have absorbed enough lifeforce to become solid, and in doing so, have become vulnerable to traditional attacks. Asher and David fight off another wave of them, and in the brief respite afterward assess their situation. It is dire. With no communication to the outside world, they have no idea when or if help is coming. The survivors, themselves included, are running out of magic from overuse. As the Shades grow stronger, they no longer are confused by the shifted wolves and their tactics are improving. Asher notes that David is upset with him, and though he initially denies it, David admits that he while he knew Asher would follow him in, he wishes he hadn't, because he fears for Asher's life. Asher counters that he will always follow David, not because he is his Alpha, but because he is his best friend and what they have together is more than the promise of comradery that the rest of the pack shares. They tell one another that they love each other and share an embrace before parting so that they can face the coming wave of Shades. They promise one another that this isn't the end and that they will survive this. Asher doesn't actually believe this, but he doesn't say so aloud.

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Right Here
Dec 2021_2 Redacted Audio Dec 2021_2 Redacted Audio

Right Here

Gavin's Ward within the Ward has become a focal point for the Shade's assault. While he's grateful for that on one hand, because it means that those outside of it are likely safer, it is putting him under incredible strain that threatens to destroy him. Damien and Huxley are on the run, trying to reach a defendable position with a group of survivors. A wave of Shades descends on them, and Huxley and Damien order the others to run while they try to fight them off and buy time. The Shades avoid their attacks and join with a flanking group that come together to wipe out all the remaining survivors that had been with the Elementals, despite their best efforts. Damien and Huxley, alone again and out of options, continue toward the training grounds. Vincent, "Lovely", and Sam find David and Asher's safe zone. Shaw Pack Alpha and Solaire Prince meet for the first time. Sam, Vincent, and "Lovely" commit themselves to the defense of the survivors, for which David is grateful. The situation has continued to grow worse, with almost constant assault by Shades. David is dismissive of his own injuries, but hours of constant fighting have taken a terrible toll on him. Nate Wexler, a Department officer, arrives at the control booth and informs Jett that the Ward is weakening. He asks if they are cleared to seek help from non-Department demons, but amid fears that the Chorus has been organizing attacks on Department facilities, the idea is rejected. Damien and Huxley reach the observation tower of the training grounds, but find it occupied by a Water Elemental who uses his powers to push them away, refusing to help them or share the space. Damien realizes that it's Kody and storms into the tower against Huxley's objections and confronts him. Kody admits to using his powers to secure the spot only for himself, pushing away other survivors and leaving them at the Shades' mercy. Disgusted, Damien attacks Kody until Huxley is finally able to drag him off the other man and back out onto the field. Damien fully breaks down under the strain of the horrific losses they've witnessed. Huxley manages to steady him, insisting that he's here and won't leave Damien. They head in the direction of the sounds of resistance, not knowing that it's in fact David and Asher's safe zone. Milo tells "Sweetheart" his plan to disrupt the Warders’ magic so that the Ward will fall, at which point the assembled might of D.A.M.N. and Dahlia can defeat the Shades. "Sweetheart" agrees to help.

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The Void They Leave Behind
Dec 2021_2 Redacted Audio Dec 2021_2 Redacted Audio

The Void They Leave Behind

Gavin's Ward starts to collapse as the terrible strain of the Shade's bombardment and the survivors emotional overload begins to literally tear him apart. "Freelancer" is able to ground him enough to keep him intact, barely, and the Ward holds for the time being. Milo asks Lasko to rally the students and staff of D.A.M.N. to be ready for when the Ward drops. Lasko doesn't think he can, but Milo reassures him, and he agrees. Milo attempts to go alone, but "Sweetheart" insists on joining him. Inside the Ward, the largest wave of Shades yet assaults the Shifter's hideout, pushing the defense team to their absolute limit. Vincent barely saves "Lovely" from an attack, and is flanked as a result. "Lovely" manages to drive them off him, but is caught off guard in the wake of it and is violently drained within an inch of their life. Vincent kills the Shade and tries to heal "Lovely", but it isn't working. Asher is brutally struck down by a Shade and sustains mortal injuries. David runs to him, but the damage is already done. David cries out for Sam, who appears, and begs the Vampire to help heal Asher. Sam does, channeling his own and David's remaining magic to heal Asher, who finally awakens. David breaks down in relief as Vincent calls out for Sam. Lasko uses the intercom at D.A.M.N. to try and rally everyone there to go to the Ward to help. The efforts are successful. Sam arrives to find "Lovely" dying in Vincent's arms, unable to be healed because their lifeforce has been drained. He tells Vincent the only option remaining would be to turn them. Vincent asks if that is what "Lovely" wants, saying that he will spend eternity at their side if they let him, but that he won't turn them unless it's truly what they want. They affirm that it is, and he does.

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All Along
Dec 2021_2 Redacted Audio Dec 2021_2 Redacted Audio

All Along

Asher and "Lovely" are moved down into the underground area that they have been defending. Sam tries to convince David to join them, but the Alpha refuses. Another wave of Shades attacks. David struggles to shift, but ignores Sam's objections and successfully transforms. The Shade's assault begins anew, and after hours of nonstop fighting, David's strength finally gives out. A strike from a Shade throws him to the ground and knocks him back into his human form, his magic completely spent. Just before it can finish him, Damien and Huxley arrive and drive them off. Damien tells Huxley to get David to safety while he holds off the next wave. Sam is overwhelmed by a Shade and only just succeeds in defeating it. He and Vincent share a brief moment, realizing that their strength and magic have been used up. The commit to bringing as many of the Shades down with them as they can, and prepare to make their last stand. Damien expends all of his remaining magic trying to keep the Shade's assault at bay, but it isn't enough. His powers run dry, and he believes it is the end. Huxley arrives back just as a Shade violently attacks the Fire Elemental, and Huxley's fury explodes into a violent earthquake that consumes the Shade and tears the earth asunder. Outside the Ward, Milo and "Sweetheart" feel the earthquake wrack the grounds, and realize that that means the Ward must be considerably weakened. Fearing the Department may find a way to reinforce it, they immediately execute their plan. Milo reveals that he plans to step into the convergence point of the Warders' magic, using his ability as a Shifter to absorb magic to destabilize the Ward. He isn't sure what the effects to his own body will be. He and "Sweetheart" share a kiss, and he steps in, unsure if he will step back out alive. It is a success, disrupting the magic and dropping the Ward. The assembled crowds successfully destroy the Shades. Jett orders that the area be secured and that all survivors are led to the triage stations. Lasko finds Huxley and Damien and helps them get to the healing stations. "Angel" and "Baaabe" reach David and Asher and they reunite. "Darlin" finds Sam, and he finally breaks down in their arms. Vincent races "Lovely" to safety. Milo regains consciousness, heavily wounded, and he and "Sweetheart" make their way outside. They successfully make radio contact with David and Asher, and he collapses in relief. Brachium comes to the realization that this act wasn't meant as an invasion, but rather as a feast, where the forces below the river of Death could gorge on the magic and energy of those who died. He wonders how much time they have left before something greater than Shades breaks free.

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