The River Runs Both Ways Tonight

Gavin realizes the Ward is sealing and manages to rush "Freelancer" to the outer boundary before it seals. He plans to stay and help, but is clearly in some kind of pain. "Freelancer" jumps back in just as the Ward seals, determined to stay with him. Asher and David run toward the stadium, but the interference prevents them from hearing the other Shifters through the link they usually share while shifted unless they stay close. The radios equally struggle to work at anything but short range communication, and phones can't get a signal. They commit to helping as many people as possible to escape the stadium, planning to regroup somewhere more easily defended. Lasko finds Milo and tells him that the Department has arrived. Milo rushes to meet them. Inside the Ward, Damien and Huxley fight to escape the stadium. Their position on the main stage leaves them at the epicenter of the chaos, fighting to find a way out. They are nearly lost to collateral damage in the crowded hallways by those trying to fight back against the Shades, but they manage to get outside only to realize that the Ward has been activated. Vincent is frantic to reach "Lovely". Sam steadies him and helps him use his connection to them to locate them in the chaos. They head that way. Milo meets with Commissioner Jett, who is leading the Department efforts at the disaster. Jett tells him they won't drop the Ward until sufficient demon forces arrive, because with no ability to see what is happening in the Ward, including how many Shades they are facing, he feels they will need their strength in order to stand a chance. Milo is furious and storms away, meeting up with Lasko to update him and try to reassure him.




Milo Calls Mates