Your Vampire Mate Makes You a Promise
Aug 2022 Redacted Audio Aug 2022 Redacted Audio

Your Vampire Mate Makes You a Promise

"Darlin" plans to seek out Quinn again to end him once and for all. Sam manages to get them to rethink the situation and hold off. Both of them want revenge against Quinn for the harm he has caused to people they each care about, but Sam rightfully suggests that they let D.U.M.P. try to apprehend him. But he makes a promise to "Darlin" that if the Department fails and he continues to hurt other people, he and "Darlin" will hunt him down together.

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Your Elemental Friends Come Out to You
Aug 2022 Redacted Audio Aug 2022 Redacted Audio

Your Elemental Friends Come Out to You

Damien and Huxley decide to come out about their relationship to their friends. The group gets together for a game night. While exchanging pleasantries, Gavin goes into the kitchen to get the snacks, and Damien purposefully follows him in and tells him privately that he knows Gavin must already be aware of his and Huxley's feelings for one another. Gavin plays coy briefly, but at Damien's seriousness, he cuts the act and admits that he has been able to sense it, yes, but that he hasn't confirmed it to anyone else because they aren't his feelings to tell. They return to the others, and after some awkward exchanges, they reveal their relationship. The group is supportive and happy for them, and the game night continues without incident.

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