Camping With Your Tsundere Alpha Werewolf Boyfriend
Sep 2021 Redacted Audio Sep 2021 Redacted Audio

Camping With Your Tsundere Alpha Werewolf Boyfriend

David and "Angel" spend the fourth anniversary of Gabe's passing at the camp site that he, David, and the rest of the pack used to frequent. David shares stories about his dad and finds comfort rather than sadness in that, which he finds encouraging. They scratch the lottery ticket that Gabe had bought him on their final trip together, and although it wins $20, David chooses to keep it.

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Vincent Healing
Sep 2021 Redacted Audio Sep 2021 Redacted Audio

Vincent Healing

Vincent begins learning Healing magic, taking courses at D.A.M.N. and training with Sam to help alleviate the pressure on Sam of being the only member of the House of Solaire with a knowledge of Healing.

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Baking a Cake With Your Incubus Boyfriend
Sep 2021 Redacted Audio Sep 2021 Redacted Audio

Baking a Cake With Your Incubus Boyfriend

Gavin and "Freelancer" share a day of domestic bliss, baking a cake together. "Freelancer" asks about E'Laetum and Min'Ara, and Gavin confirms that they are mythological figures, and that their story is particularly treasured by Empathy Daemons.

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Shifting Clothes
Sep 2021 Redacted Audio Sep 2021 Redacted Audio

Shifting Clothes

David and the members of the Pack that work on the security team begin to learn the magic required to phase their clothes off and on when shifting. In the event of emergencies during security work when they might need to shift, it's an important skill to have, given the more public nature of their work nowadays.

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Questioning a Sadistic Demon
Sep 2021 Redacted Audio Sep 2021 Redacted Audio

Questioning a Sadistic Demon

"Warden" attempts to make progress with Vega. He is expectedly evasive, continuing to redirect the conversation back to notions of D[a]emonic mistreatment at the hands of the Department and the Department's difficulties managing affairs. He mentions that CloseKnit is undermining confidence in them, and the Solitaires, a group devoted to D[a]emonic independence, is putting increased pressure on them as well. Before the conversation can finish, a group of Solitaires invades the containment facility. They release all the D[a]emons in containment, knock out "Warden" (who had tried to resist them), and briefly try to draw Vega to their side, but he defeats them easily and escapes with the unconscious "Warden".

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Under A Sadistic Demon's Care
Sep 2021 Redacted Audio Sep 2021 Redacted Audio

Under A Sadistic Demon's Care

"Warden" awakens to find themself in Vega's care, heavily wounded from their conflict with the Solitaires. Vega attempts to help them, but requires that it be done on his terms, providing only sadistic energies to feed on.

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Getting Closer to a Sadistic Demon
Sep 2021 Redacted Audio Sep 2021 Redacted Audio

Getting Closer to a Sadistic Demon

Vega and "Warden" grow closer as his care for them continues. He begins answering more of their questions, though he continues to guide the conversation into the areas he prefers. He affirms that he is not a member of the Solitaires, desiring a more complete form of independence from humanity. He wants to find a way to again use the Sovereigns as a food source so that d[a]emonkind can leave Terra completely. "Warden" believes the Sovereigns to be myth, but Vega insists that isn't the case.

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