Deathwalker Asks You For Help
Dec 2021_1 Redacted Audio Dec 2021_1 Redacted Audio

Deathwalker Asks You For Help

Brachium establishes contact with "Sunshine". A mental connection has unknowingly formed between them somehow as a result of Brachium's interference in their near-loss in the river of Death. He has detected a force, which he calls a Drove, that is growing immensely in strength beneath the River and he fears that without help, something terrible might occur. He implores "Sunshine" to seek out the counterpoints to the growing power in death that exist in the living world.

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Meeting a Deathwalker With Your Dreamwalker Boyfriend
Dec 2021_1 Redacted Audio Dec 2021_1 Redacted Audio

Meeting a Deathwalker With Your Dreamwalker Boyfriend

"Sunshine" tells Elliott what occurred. He's skeptical, but curious. He helps forge a connection between himself, "Sunshine", and Brachium in a dreamscape. The dreamscape is overtaken by the visual of the river of Death, and the sight of it unearths Elliott's buried memories from his own time in the river during his drowning. Brachium explains the danger, and they agree to see what they can find.

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Road Trip With Your Dreamwalker Boyfriend
Dec 2021_1 Redacted Audio Dec 2021_1 Redacted Audio

Road Trip With Your Dreamwalker Boyfriend

"Sunshine" and Elliott drive to Dahlia, a location that Elliott hasn't visited in years. He tells them more about his experience as a pseudo-humanborn (as a result of his adoption by an unempowered family), his education in becoming Labyrinth Black certified, and Dahlia.

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Warming Up With Your Vampire Mate
Dec 2021_1 Redacted Audio Dec 2021_1 Redacted Audio

Warming Up With Your Vampire Mate

Sam notes that Frederick and his progeny have reached a point of independence now, which he's grateful for, but he harbors fears that he hasn't adequately mentored them. "Darlin” reassures him. They also invite Sam to join them on the Pack Solstice trip. Sam is nervous that he'll be imposing, but "Darlin" assures him that David said he's more than welcome. He agrees. Sam confirms that he will be attending the Elemental and Energetic Games at Vincent's request. "Darlin" affirms that they won't be working security that night and don't plan to attend. They begin to escalate their intimacy, but Sam asks for things to stay at this level for a while. "Darlin" happily agrees.

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Solstice Party with the Werewolf Pack
Dec 2021_1 Redacted Audio Dec 2021_1 Redacted Audio

Solstice Party with the Werewolf Pack

The Pack Solstice party begins in earnest. Sam meets Asher and Milo for the first time, and they do their best to make him feel welcome amidst their joking. David greets him and reaffirms that he's a welcome guest and he's glad Sam is present. Christian and Arden bicker and are found by Kelsey, who alerts Asher to Christian's presence. Asher gives Christian a birthday gift in an effort to smooth over old tensions. Milo and "Sweetheart" run into Bailey and Ansel of the Keaton Pack, and they trade childhood memories and work stories. David gives a rousing speech affirming the promise that the Pack all hold, to be there for one another.

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Pack Returns
Dec 2021_1 Redacted Audio Dec 2021_1 Redacted Audio

Pack Returns

After four days of rowdy celebrations, the Pack and their guests return to Dahlia. The Elemental and Energetic Games are mere days away.

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Preparing for the E & E Games with the Wolf Pack
Dec 2021_1 Redacted Audio Dec 2021_1 Redacted Audio

Preparing for the E & E Games with the Wolf Pack

David and the security team do a dry run in preparation for the Games. Everyone affirms that by now they are well versed in phasing their clothes while Shifting. The dry run goes well, and although stress levels remain high, the pack feels confident in their ability to manage the event.

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The Elemental and Energetic Games Begin
Dec 2021_2 Redacted Audio Dec 2021_2 Redacted Audio

The Elemental and Energetic Games Begin

The 39th annual Elemental and Energetic Games officially begin on December 29th, hosted by the Dahlia Academy for Magical Novices. The spectacle is set to run for three days, drawing large crowds to the Academy stadium each day, and live feeds of it are broadcast nationally. Hudson acts as the announcer for the Games and coordinates with David's security team throughout. Lasko takes on a role as volunteer-staff, helping to get the competitors to their performance events on time. The first day of events includes (but is not limited to) the Combination Elemental, Water Elemental, and Air Elemental events. On the first day of the games, "Freelancer" meets with Lasko ahead of their performance. He encourages them, but is drawn away briefly at which point Kody appears and taunts them, attending the Games as a representative for the McKinley Academy. Lasko gets Kody alone and warns him to leave "Freelancer" alone, but Kody rebuffs him. "Freelancer" completes their event, getting eighth place. Damien, Huxley, Lasko, and "Freelancer" celebrate.

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Fire and Earth at the Elemental and Energetic Games
Dec 2021_2 Redacted Audio Dec 2021_2 Redacted Audio

Fire and Earth at the Elemental and Energetic Games

The second day of the Elemental and Energetic Games begins on the 30th and includes the Fire and Earth Elemental events. Lasko and "Freelancer" barely make it inside the reinforcing Ward before the events begin. During performances, a Ward is brought down around the stadium and surrounding grounds to isolate the effects of the performances and maintain covert, maintained by a large contingent of advanced Warders distributed at discrete locations for security's sake. "Freelancer" meets with Huxley and they watch Damien's performance together. Damien performs exceptionally, getting third overall and earning the bronze medal. He brings his friends to meet his mother, who was watching in the crowd. Huxley does his event and easily takes first place, earning the gold and setting a new national record.

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Final Categories of the Elemental and Energetic Games
Dec 2021_2 Redacted Audio Dec 2021_2 Redacted Audio

Final Categories of the Elemental and Energetic Games

The third and final day of the Elemental and Energetic Games begins on the 31st and includes the Contra-Elemental and Energetic categories. Vincent and Sam head to the stadium by Department issued transport and are escorted up to a special viewing box to be safe from the sunlight. The pack continues their security efforts, having worked the event thus far with few issues. One of the D.A.M.N. staff members that was intended to walk the medals into the stadium for the ceremony that evening is unable to attend, so Lasko volunteers to do so. Xavier performs his event and gets first place, setting a new national record. Sam and Vincent watch "Lovely" perform, and they get second place. Sam and Vincent congratulate them heartily.

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Welcome to CloseKnit (Ft. Odiepus Rex)
Dec 2021_2 Redacted Audio Dec 2021_2 Redacted Audio

Welcome to CloseKnit (Ft. Odiepus Rex)

Blake and his friend attend a CloseKnit outreach meeting. CloseKnit's bigoted views are very quickly made apparent, and Blake's friend is unsettled. Unbeknownst to them, Elliott and "Sunshine" are attending the same meeting as part of their investigation.

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