Consoling an Elemental and an Incubus

Five days after the Inversion resolution, "Freelancer" meets up with Huxley, who has returned home from visiting his moms after the disaster. They talk about Xavier and how much Huxley misses his friend, but that he wants to live a life that honors his sacrifice. Huxley doesn't blame Gavin for Xavier's death, and wants to assure the Incubus that he shouldn't blame himself either. He and "Freelancer" discuss their upcoming grief counseling sessions and their support for one another. Later that evening, Gavin returns home after having to debrief the Chorus on the events of the Inversion. As the only demon that was present inside the Ward, they wanted his interpretation of events. Gavin states that while humanity and daemonkind often have a rocky relationship, the Chorus was genuinely horrified to hear and experience the events of that evening through Gavin's memories, mourning the loss of life. Gavin resolves to call Huxley that evening.


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