Consoling Your Sweet Werewolf Boyfriend

Four days after the Inversion resolution, Asher and "Baaabe" are struggling to maintain some shred of optimism in the face of the disaster. Asher's injuries, though healed, were very severe and have left him with scars on his chest which he tries to ignore but that weigh on him heavily. Milo sends Asher a video that is circulating of an ad put out by CloseKnit in the wake of the disaster. Asher is disgusted about it and snaps, furious that CloseKnit thinks they know what was the right course of action when no one who wasn't there can say that. He confesses that he couldn't have made the decision that David made in the control booth that night. He froze when presented with the scene, and wouldn't have been able to make a decision in time if David hadn't been there to make the choice. Asher fears what might happen if a situation comes where he is the one to have to make a choice like that. All his latent fears about his inadequacy have returned at their worst, now combining with his survivor guilt to leave him utterly shaken. He recounts to "Baaabe" what it was like that night after he was too wounded to fight and was taken to the underground. No one down there believed they would survive the night, and he watched powerless as families said goodbye to one another, unable to reassure them because he thought they were right. "Baaabe" comforts him.


Consoling Your Alpha Werewolf Boyfriend


Consoling an Elemental and an Incubus