Turned Into a Vampire By Your Boyfriend (Ft. Hedral Wyrdsmythe)
Jan 2022 Redacted Audio Jan 2022 Redacted Audio

Turned Into a Vampire By Your Boyfriend (Ft. Hedral Wyrdsmythe)

One hour after the Inversion disaster resolves, Vincent has "Lovely" safely back to their home and meets with William, who has been terrified for them after hearing the news. William comforts Vincent as best he can, and Vincent begs him to Invoke him like William once did to Alexis, taking away his ability to ever Invoke "Lovely". He doesn't ever want to have that power over them. William reminds him of the importance of having that ability, and Vincent agrees, but still insists that he doesn't want it, and since "Lovely" will no longer be able to lie to him due to the bond of truth inherent to the Maker-Progeny relationship, he asks that he be made to not be able to lie to them, either. William agrees, and does so.

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Consoling (and Consoled By) Your Elemental Friends
Jan 2022 Redacted Audio Jan 2022 Redacted Audio

Consoling (and Consoled By) Your Elemental Friends

Gavin and "Freelancer" arrive home two hours after the Inversion resolution. Gavin's injuries are severe, but mending. Caelum appears, and the widespread pain and fear tearing through all of Dahlia overwhelms him and he has a breakdown. Gavin successfully gathers enough strength to rift the Empathy Daemon back to Aria. Delphinus, Caelum's steward, takes Caelum into his care. The distance from Terra is enough to help Caelum be steadied. Gavin returns to "Freelancer" and collapses at the exertion of more magic usage. He explains that the emotional overload has made it so that the simple act of being on this plane will bring Caelum pain until things calm a bit. "Freelancer" helps him to bed, and they hold each other.

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A Deal With a Demon (Ft. Good Boy Audios)
Jan 2022 Redacted Audio Jan 2022 Redacted Audio

A Deal With a Demon (Ft. Good Boy Audios)

Elliott awakens in front of an Incubus, Scorpius. Scorpius informs him about the plan to remove his memories and the demon's obligation to do so despite his reservations about it. Elliott begs him not to, and they manage to reach an agreement wherein Scorpius will only briefly mute his memories so that Elliott can be led away, and Elliott can then muster the necessary forces to bring down CloseKnit and free both "Sunshine" and Scorpius. They enact the plan, and Elliott is escorted away.

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Two Sides of the Yandere
Jan 2022 Redacted Audio Jan 2022 Redacted Audio

Two Sides of the Yandere

As promised, Blake lets "Sunshine" watch Elliott be escorted out. They then enter the dreamscape again, hoping to lure in Brachium. The Deathwalker doesn't appear, still too drained to make the connection. In his frustration, Blake's memories of his friend begin to seep through into the dream, allowing "Sunshine" to get some information on Blake's motives. They leave the dreamscape, and "Sunshine" tries to push with the information they now have, but Blake aggressively rebukes them. That evening, he returns to his friend's home and confesses that it was a difficult day that's been wearing on him heavily, and they comfort him. They ask him to spend the night again. He happily agrees.

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Falling For Your Yandere Childhood Friend
Jan 2022 Redacted Audio Jan 2022 Redacted Audio

Falling For Your Yandere Childhood Friend

Blake relaxes with his friend, and they reassure him that they want him to spend the night. They ask why he left their life in the past. He explains that after a one-night stand that the two of them had in high school, he wanted to be in a relationship with them, but they didn’t at the time, and that it started a push and pull between them of seeking and resisting distance from one another to sort out their feelings. He asks to stay in their life from here on out, even just as friends. They kiss him, but he pulls away, stating in clear terms that if they do this and attempt a relationship, he’s never going to want to let them go, making his obsessive and possessive tendencies apparent. He asks that they not do this unless they are absolutely sure that’s what they want. They kiss him, accepting.

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01-01-2022 Statement | Department of Uniform Magical Practices
Jan 2022 Redacted Audio Jan 2022 Redacted Audio

01-01-2022 Statement | Department of Uniform Magical Practices

The Department releases their official statement on the Inversion disaster, noting the 1500 lives lost, the lack of leads on who could be responsible for the attack, and the assurance that they will do everything they can to investigate, provide support, and ensure safety. All large scale multi-member magical competitions, exhibitions, and experimentation are put on indefinite hiatus under suspicions that the high amounts of concentrated magic usage may have had a hand in the formation of the Inversion aperture. Permanent Department security forces will be stationed in all cornerstone cities and major academies and will supersede and integrate any existing local-government operated equivalents. Permanent surveillance and containment teams will be stationed at the formation point of the Inversion aperture in Dahlia. Entrance to that zone is restricted to approved Department personnel. Department-mandated safety and emergency response requirements and documentation will be issued to all empowered businesses, academies, and institutions, and compliance will be overseen by the Empowered Public Security Administration.

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Dreamwalker Tries to Remember
Jan 2022 Redacted Audio Jan 2022 Redacted Audio

Dreamwalker Tries to Remember

Elliott's memories slowly begin to trickle back as he finds himself alone on the streets of Dahlia. He remembers enough to know he needs help, and he seeks out a Department office. When he reaches one, he realizes that it is absolute chaos. He learns about the Inversion event, which just occurred the night before. Overwhelmed, he stumbles back out into the streets, and not knowing what else to do in that moment, calls his brother Aaron and asks to see him.

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Sleepy Morning With Your Soft Dom Boyfriend
Jan 2022 Redacted Audio Jan 2022 Redacted Audio

Sleepy Morning With Your Soft Dom Boyfriend

Aaron and "Smartass" enjoy a lazy morning together, celebrating "Smartass"'s promotion at their company. Their relaxation is disrupted when Aaron receives an unexpected call from Elliott for the first time in years. He answers and can immediately tell how distressed his brother is. Elliott asks to see him, and Aaron readily agrees, asking for details, but Elliott says he'll provide them when he gets there and hangs up.

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Blake's Truth
Jan 2022 Redacted Audio Jan 2022 Redacted Audio

Blake's Truth

Blake arrives back at the CloseKnit facility and takes “Sunshine” down to a secure level. He explains to them that he has no actual allegiance to CloseKnit, but is instead using their resources to his advantage. He reveals that Shades are beings created by the Sovereigns trapped in Death as ways of communicating with the living, provided they absorb enough lifeforce, and explains that CloseKnit received that message and formed into what it is today as a result. In an attempt to force Brachium’s hand, Blake threatens to allow a Shade to kill “Sunshine” if he doesn’t appear in the dreamscape. Brachium concedes, and asks why Blake is doing all of this. Blake reveals that he isn’t actually a Dreamwalker, but is instead a Seer, and that no matter what he tries to change, he can’t escape visions of his friend’s death. He believes the Sovereigns can explain or prevent that. Brachium calls him a fool, but agrees to ask them on Blake’s behalf in order to keep “Sunshine” safe.

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Hopeless Dreamwalker Gets Help
Jan 2022 Redacted Audio Jan 2022 Redacted Audio

Hopeless Dreamwalker Gets Help

Elliott arrives at Aaron’s house and confirms discretely that the problem he’s facing has to do with magic. He and Aaron go for a drive to discuss it privately. Elliott tells Aaron that he believes Aaron hates him. Aaron fiercely refutes this, discussing the pain of their childhood while reasserting that he loves Elliott and wants him in his life. Elliott breaks down and explains through the tears everything that has happened up to this point. Aaron is understandably confused, but reassures Elliott that he’s going to help him, and they decide to go back to the house, explain all of this to “Smartass”, and come up with a plan.

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Consoling (and Consoled By) Your Elemental Friends
Jan 2022 Redacted Audio Jan 2022 Redacted Audio

Consoling (and Consoled By) Your Elemental Friends

Two days after the Inversion resolution, "Freelancer" goes to see Lasko. He is packing up his office, having been awarded a promotion to the administrative board in the wake of the disaster. He is evasive when questioned about it, insisting that it doesn't matter given what everyone else went through. "Freelancer" presses him for more, and Lasko admits that he feels undeserving of the role, feeling that he was only offered it because of political machinations and posturing by D.A.M.N. in light of their dispute with D.U.M.P. over the handling of the disaster. Lasko angrily tells them to stop comforting him, saying that they need and deserve the comfort, not him. They reassure him regardless, and he thanks them for their concern. They discuss the grief counseling options that D.U.M.P. and D.A.M.N. have coordinated to provide. He affirms that he is there to help them as well, in any way that he can. Three days after the Inversion resolution, "Freelancer" meets up with Damien. Damien tells them that he is fine, having recovered from his injuries, and he has begun training again in earnest. "Freelancer" rightly expresses concern that he is overworking himself, which Damien rebukes. They push the issue, and Damien snaps, insisting that "Freelancer" has no right to tell him how to handle his grief. He breaks down, admitting that he is haunted by what he faced that night, by feelings of inadequacy, shame, and guilt, and that he doesn't know how to get back to a normal life after the things he has seen and suffered. He feels isolated even from Huxley, who he feels he owes his life to. "Freelancer" comforts him and he thanks them, and he comforts them in turn, refuting their claims that what they went through is somehow less significant than what he has faced. He adamantly tells them that pain is not a competition, and that their grief is equally important. He is scheduled to begin counseling the next day.

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Department Commendations
Jan 2022 Redacted Audio Jan 2022 Redacted Audio

Department Commendations

D.U.M.P. holds a ceremony to give Department Commendation medals to each member of the security team, and to give David the Directorial Medal of Valor, making him the first non-Department personnel in history to be awarded it.

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Consoling Your Alpha Werewolf Boyfriend
Jan 2022 Redacted Audio Jan 2022 Redacted Audio

Consoling Your Alpha Werewolf Boyfriend

Three days after the Inversion resolution, David and "Angel" return home from the D.U.M.P. ceremony. David has been asked to speak at the memorial scheduled for the coming week, but he has yet to decide if he will do so. Opinions of him and the Pack are mixed but generally supportive, aided by the stories coming from the survivors that were actually there to see their heroism in person. The Department has chosen to laud the security team as heroes, but that is a mixed bag in and of itself, given the disastrous public opinion of the Department in the wake of the tragedy. David believes adamantly that the Department must have considered pinning the disaster on him and the pack, but that still would have made them look complicit for having agreed to keep the Ward up so long, so instead D.U.M.P. went the other way and lifted them as heroes with full Departmental support in a bid to get in on the goodwill. David refuses to be a mouthpiece for them. While he thinks the world is better in general for having the structure the Department provides, especially in the wake of a disaster like this where paranoia is at an all-time high, he refuses to be a PR tool for them. Though many members of the Pack sustained severe injury, they all survived, which is a further source of guilt for David. He remains tormented by the memories of what happened that night and the decisions he made, and feels like he's trapped in a loop that he can't escape and he blames himself for every life lost. "Angel" provides all the support that they can, and the two of them resolve to keep hanging on by leaning on each other.

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Consoling Your Sweet Werewolf Boyfriend
Jan 2022 Redacted Audio Jan 2022 Redacted Audio

Consoling Your Sweet Werewolf Boyfriend

Four days after the Inversion resolution, Asher and "Baaabe" are struggling to maintain some shred of optimism in the face of the disaster. Asher's injuries, though healed, were very severe and have left him with scars on his chest which he tries to ignore but that weigh on him heavily. Milo sends Asher a video that is circulating of an ad put out by CloseKnit in the wake of the disaster. Asher is disgusted about it and snaps, furious that CloseKnit thinks they know what was the right course of action when no one who wasn't there can say that. He confesses that he couldn't have made the decision that David made in the control booth that night. He froze when presented with the scene, and wouldn't have been able to make a decision in time if David hadn't been there to make the choice. Asher fears what might happen if a situation comes where he is the one to have to make a choice like that. All his latent fears about his inadequacy have returned at their worst, now combining with his survivor guilt to leave him utterly shaken. He recounts to "Baaabe" what it was like that night after he was too wounded to fight and was taken to the underground. No one down there believed they would survive the night, and he watched powerless as families said goodbye to one another, unable to reassure them because he thought they were right. "Baaabe" comforts him.

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Consoling an Elemental and an Incubus
Jan 2022 Redacted Audio Jan 2022 Redacted Audio

Consoling an Elemental and an Incubus

Five days after the Inversion resolution, "Freelancer" meets up with Huxley, who has returned home from visiting his moms after the disaster. They talk about Xavier and how much Huxley misses his friend, but that he wants to live a life that honors his sacrifice. Huxley doesn't blame Gavin for Xavier's death, and wants to assure the Incubus that he shouldn't blame himself either. He and "Freelancer" discuss their upcoming grief counseling sessions and their support for one another. Later that evening, Gavin returns home after having to debrief the Chorus on the events of the Inversion. As the only demon that was present inside the Ward, they wanted his interpretation of events. Gavin states that while humanity and d[a]emonkind often have a rocky relationship, the Chorus was genuinely horrified to hear and experience the events of that evening through Gavin's memories, mourning the loss of life. Gavin resolves to call Huxley that evening.

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Looking For Answers With Your Feisty Werewolf Boyfriend
Jan 2022 Redacted Audio Jan 2022 Redacted Audio

Looking For Answers With Your Feisty Werewolf Boyfriend

Six days after the Inversion resolution, "Sweetheart" has attained the Department's private report on the events of the night. They review it with Milo, and in doing so learn that the Department's restraint was primarily motivated by the ongoing attacks and containment breaks led by daemons against their facilities, which D.U.M.P. fears may be acting at the will of the Chorus. D.U.M.P. feared (and continues to fear) that the Chorus had a hand in the Inversion itself, and that asking for aid would be playing directly into their hands and would have made the situation far worse. Though the context for their actions is interesting, Milo still finds it hard to believe that the Chorus would ever make such a move against humanity, even if they are responsible for the containment breaches. Milo instead suspects CloseKnit was involved. He remains concerned about his inability to shift into his wolf form, but believes it is just a matter of time before it returns.

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Going All The Way With Your Vampire Mate
Jan 2022 Redacted Audio Jan 2022 Redacted Audio

Going All The Way With Your Vampire Mate

Nine days after the Inversion resolution, Sam returns home from a drive to clear his head to find "Darlin" waiting on his porch. He gives them a key to his house and they discuss the Inversion and the feelings that it has brought on. Sam confesses that while he was able to compartmentalize his feelings in the moment in order to be the anchor for everyone else, now that the disaster is over, the emotions from that night are coming in and threatening to overwhelm him. "Darlin" offers their support and they comfort each other. "Darlin" tells Sam they consider him their mate. He is honored by the admission and confesses his love for them.

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