Teasing Your Boyfriend Telepathically at the Pool Party
Jul 2022 Redacted Audio Jul 2022 Redacted Audio

Teasing Your Boyfriend Telepathically at the Pool Party

Geordi and "Cutie" attend a pool party. Geordi is nervous about potential judgment from the other partygoers, and "Cutie" tries to reassure him that they aren't thinking of what the two of them are doing. Geordi tries to explain that he understands that they're trying to be supportive by doing that, but that that is missing the point of what he's trying to tell them. This explanation doesn't properly get across though, and they shift gears to enjoying themselves at the party, temporarily sidestepping the conflict.

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Your Boyfriend Asks For Your Trust
Jul 2022 Redacted Audio Jul 2022 Redacted Audio

Your Boyfriend Asks For Your Trust

Geordi had a frustrating day at work. "Cutie" arrives home and notices, and asks to be let in his mind to hear his thoughts on it. Geordi asks for privacy until he can get a bit more settled with the feelings, but "Cutie" pushes him. Geordi tries to explain his reasoning again, but when that fails and they continue to push, he snaps at them, asking why he can't have literally just the half hour of privacy that he is asking for. They argue about it. Geordi feels its deeply invalidating to be told that him wanting to consider his words carefully means they're "fake" rather than the "true" unfiltered off the cuff version of his thoughts. Geordi asks for their trust, and they promise he has it, but the conversation still ends on unsteady terms. They enter his mind without his permission or knowledge again as they lay together in bed afterward.

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Your Boyfriend Finally Draws the Line
Jul 2022 Redacted Audio Jul 2022 Redacted Audio

Your Boyfriend Finally Draws the Line

The next morning, "Cutie" admits that they entered his thoughts without permission again last night. Geordi appreciates them having told him, but finally has to draw the line, facing too many parallels to a previous abusive relationship he was in. He recognizes and respects that they are trying and he believes it when they say they're sorry, but that isn't enough anymore given that their actions never change. He does not completely break off ties with them, but states that he needs time away from them and he can't consider being with them again until they seek help for the underlying issues that have led them to this point. He knows that they're hurting, and that their actions are coming from a place of hurt, and more than anything, he wants them to feel better again. He leaves.

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Meeting of the Werewolf Alphas
Jul 2022 Redacted Audio Jul 2022 Redacted Audio

Meeting of the Werewolf Alphas

Gregory Keaton, Alpha of the Keaton Pack and old friend of Gabe, reaches out to David. They meet up, and Gregory tells David that Quinn has been spotted in Ferris, north of Dahlia. Ansel, a member of the Keaton Pack, is investigating Quinn and trying to hunt him down after another series of attacks are attributed to him. David thanks Gregory for the information and alerts "Darlin" and the rest of the pack about the situation.

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